An airport for business aviation will be constructed in Moscow Region |
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An airport for business aviation will be constructed in Moscow Region

An airport for business aviation may be constructed in Moscow Region, Izvestiya reports with reference to the First Deputy Minister of Transport of Moscow Region, Alexander Mitusov. European investment funds are ready to allocate about 10 billion rubles for construction of the airport in Volokolamsk near Novorizhskoye highway. A private investor from London, Robert Khersov (Chairman of advisory board of VistaJet – the world’s largest company specializing on VIP-flights), is also taking interest in construction of the airport. The parties intend to launch the project in 2013. As explained by the Ministry of Transport of Moscow Region, the business plan of the new airport is currently being considered by the Region’s ministries of ecology, finance and economic affairs. The project is also being considered by the Ministry of Transport of Russia. «The Russian government must take the decision and allocate 500 hectares of forest near the 85th kilometer of Novorizhskoye highway for construction of the airport», — the Deputy head of administration for interaction with federal transport systems of the Region’s Ministry of Transport, Leonid Zhurenkov, explained. He also noted that the investor, which will get the building land, must reconstruct the green zone at another territory. This project was elaborated by a group of Russian businessmen. According to the business plan, the new airport will be able to service at least 100 flights per day and its fleet will comprise 120 aircraft. The airport will also have a parking ramp for 60 – 80 private aircraft. The airport’s tentative name is “Sirin”. Most flights from Volokolamsk will be performed using business jets with a capacity from 5 to 30 passengers. Uraniborg Company, which is going to manage the project, intends to obtain all the necessary approvals and launch the project in 2013. However, the environmentalists are going to make a stand against the project. According to the Ministry of Transport of Moscow Region, business-terminal of Vnukovo airport may be constructed in Kubinka airport (Moscow region) by 2017. It will be able to service about 50 aircraft.
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