Rockwell Collins signs a memorandum of understanding with Transas Aviation |
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Rockwell Collins signs a memorandum of understanding with Transas Aviation

Rockwell Collins has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with St. Petersburg-based (Russia) Transas Aviation, part of Transas Group. The agreement is aimed at establishing cooperation between the companies in order to fit the existing and next-generation Russian aircraft with the latest avionics. The cooperation between Rockwell Collins and Transas Aviation (provides aviation solutions for Russian and international operators of aircraft and helicopters), is the significant milestone for the region, press-service of Rockwell Collins reports. “Under this agreement Rockwell Collins will further expand its presence in Russia and CIS Region thanks to improved access to customers located in the region, engineering support and certification authorities. At the same time Transas Aviation will have access to Rockwell Collins’ global business development capabilities, engineering and certification expertise, and vast service and customer support network. This is the first announced agreement between one of the world’s leading avionics manufacturers and a Russian avionics supplier”, - the company explained. “The Russian and CIS aviation markets are growing fast and we need to establish reliable partnership in order to meet the demand”, - said Claude Alber, vice president and managing director, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EuMEA) for Rockwell Collins. “Together we will develop reliable solutions for Russian aircraft thanks to expertise of our companies”. “We are delighted to establish this cooperation with Rockwell Collins — one of the world leaders in aviation electronics solutions”, - said Igor Strokin, CEO of Transas Aviation. “I am confident that intellectual potential and strong marketing positions of our companies will allow us to create unique and competitive products for our customers in Russia and CIS Region”.
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