The world records of Mi-38 were officially registered by Federation Aeronautique Internationale |
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The world records of Mi-38 were officially registered by Federation Aeronautique Internationale

The world records set in 2012 by the second prototype (OP-2) of Mi-38 helicopter have been officially registered by Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI). All five world records set in 2012 by Mi-38 OP-2 prototype have been verified and officially confirmed, press-service of Russian Helicopters Holding Company reports. “The team of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (part of Russian Helicopters) set three world records on August 26th 2012 during the 14th World Helicopter Championship in the E1h class (the FAI's category) for helicopters with a takeoff weight of 10,000 - 20,000 kg”, - the press-service reminded. The first record – climbing to an altitude of 8,620 meters without payload. The second record - climbing to an altitude of 3,000 meters in 6 minutes. The third record – climbing to an altitude of 6,000 meters in 10 minutes and 52 second. Soon after another two world records were set on September 10th 2012 at the flight test center of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant: the altitude record for flying with a 1000 kg payload (7,895 meters) and altitude record for flying with a 2,000 kg payload (7,020 meters). “The world records set using the new multi-role Mi-38 helicopter demonstrate the unmatched performance, substantial safety margin and reliability of the helicopter. The Mi-38 is the next-generation helicopter. Mi-38 can be operated under any light, weather and climate conditions within a temperature range from -50 to +60°С. The helicopter is fitted with state-of-the-art avionics suite. The vehicle meets the requirements of Russian AP-29, European JAR-29 and American FAR-29 regulations. It hashigh level of reliability and safety, long service life, high level of comfort for the crew and passengers”, - Russian Helicopters noted.
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