Victor Rudnov named SKYNET WEST’s Vice President of Charter Sales |
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Victor Rudnov named SKYNET WEST’s Vice President of Charter Sales

SkyNet Aviation Group West (SKYNET WEST) has strengthened its LA charter sales team with the recent announcement that seasoned entrepreneur and Russian aviation executive Victor Rudnov has been named Vice President of Charter Sales. Victor holds a degree in Airline and Airport Management from the University of West London and brings extensive entrepreneurial and executive air charter experience to SKYNET WEST’s LA office. Rudnov brings to SKYNET WEST a breadth of experience in the private aviation charter industry. Rudnov’s career includes being a sergeant in the Russian Armed Forces and building driving charter sales teams throughout three main regions (USA, EMEA, and Russia/CIS). Looking to get the ball rolling in his new position, Rudnov is eager to capitalize on SKYNET WEST’s significant market traction. “SKYNET WEST has positioned itself as the premier boutique charter broker with a significant capitalization, this clearly indicates our ability to brand ourselves and be in position to gain significant market share,” Rudnov stated. Rudnov continued, “As SKYNET WEST Vice President of Charter Sales, my first goal is to be a continued resource to our executive clients and private families, there is nothing more important than satisfying a client’s needs, and have them fully understand the options available to them.” SkyNet Aviation Group’s Director of Private Aviation, Adam Hasiak, believes that Rudnov’s appointment is a testament to the company’s ability to attract the private aviation industry’s brightest talent. “Victor will be a fantastic resource to our management team and will play an important leadership role in our efforts to further cement our brand as a premier boutique brokerage,” Hasiak said. “There is no surprise that the charter market is highly competitive, however, it all comes down to the people you have on your team and with the Victor on board we feel we are in the right position to have continued success,” Hasiak continued. “I look forward to working with Victor to build on our ability to successfully communicate the SKYNET WEST experience in this continually challenging market.”
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