Aviation Equipment Holding Company opens the first spare parts distribution center in Russia | Jets.ru
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Aviation Equipment Holding Company opens the first spare parts distribution center in Russia

Aviation Equipment Holding Company, part of Russian Technologies State Corporation, announced the opening of spare parts distribution center. The center will be providing parts for liners manufactured by the world’s leading airframers. It will help decrease the down time of the aircraft owned by Russian carriers. In addition the center will help increase the flight safety, the holding’s press-service reports. "The spare parts distribution center established by Aviation Equipment Holding Company is the first one in Russia. It is highly competitive with the best foreign analogues. The multi-building warehouse is located 3 km away from the Sheremetyevo airport. Itsareaisover 1700 squaremeters. The center will help the Russian company establish itself as a leader at the market of parts distribution for foreign-manufactured aircraft", - the company noted. The center’s stock reserves include components for Boeing 737Classic aircraft, consumables for B737 and А320 jets. The components for Airbus 320 jets should be delivered in April and the parts for В737 NG – in June. The nomenclature of parts will be expanded later depending on requirements of the customers. «The center was established taking into account the world’s best practices, - CEO of Aviation Equipment Holding Company, Maxim Kuzyuk noted. – Russian airlines will have an access to the world-class services. Thanks to the opening of this center the down time will be reduced due to on-the-fly deliveries of spare parts, which will help decrease the costs of the carriers. The flight safety will be improved due to decreasing the period of operating aircraft with “postponed malfunction” – faults that require repair but do not require immediate grounding of the aircraft. Asaresultthepassengerswillbenefit». The total amount of investments in this project will be about 1.4 billion rubles by 2015, while the annual revenues should reach about 3 billion. "Until quite recently the components delivery for Western-built aircraft took about three days in Russia, because the parts have been delivered from Europe and USA. The spare parts distribution center will help decrease this time to 4 hours due to creation of its own stock of parts and customs warehouse. Thus the carriers will avoid costs connected with grounding of their aircraft. For example, the cost of stand-down of Boeing 737 is about $35 thousand per day", - Aviation Equipment Holding Company noted.
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